You're busy, I totally get it. There are barely enough hours in the day sometimes and you're often trying to split yourself between different people, places, jobs and responsibilities. But at the same time, you care about how you look and how you present yourself. You enjoy clothes but it can be difficult to have the head space to think creatively so you just pull on the usual jeans and a tee.
I recently worked with a client who showed me her moodboard she'd been creating. She actually had some clothes to create looks she had been admiring but simply needed to add a few little tweaks to help elevate her own clothing to create the looks she had aspired to. So I thought I'd share some tips here to help you feel less ordinary and more extraordinary for the days that call for that!
So, here are my top 5 ways to help you elevate your style. You won't be surprised to hear some of these are more time consuming than others so I know this isn't going to be an overnight process. Some of these will require time and thought, so be kind and patient with yourself.
Ensure your foundations are right.

You wouldn't put make-up on your skin if it was dry and "unprepared". Your body is no different. Underwear is often an overlooked area when it comes to style but it's so important. A well fitting bra can completely change how a dress or shirt sits and fits. Did you know it is recommended that we are measured for a bra every 6-12 months? Our sizing can change due to things such as hormone changes, weight changes or following changes in our health. So, if you haven't done so recently get yourself measured so that you're wearing the correct support.
Take good care of your clothes
Now, I know this one is obvious and can take time but, in taking good care of your clothes they will serve you for longer so there are financial benefits to this one. I also know this can be something which slips down the priorities. But many of these are things I see when with clients and they can honestly make the difference between making an outfit a nice one to a great one. Taking good care of your clothes encompasses -
spending time on getting those stains out
washing similar colours together to help prevent colour running/fading
cutting stray threads
ironing - I say this as a converted non-ironer myself!
A really straightforward way to elevate any look is to simply accessorize. Adding a gold chain over a t-shirt, immediately adds to your outfit. Stacking some bracelets, popping on some earrings or putting on a belt are all examples of how to do this. I'm sure you've jewellery you've not worn in ages so perhaps have a look at what's lurking in your jewellery box and see if you can have some fun with your look. Coco Chanel is credited with saying "Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off".
However, we are not Coco Chanel and so I say "Look in the mirror and add one thing to your outfit".
Incorporate 2 colours within your outfit
To help an outfit look more cohesive use this easy stylists' tip. It can be matching your lipstick to your handbag, your belt and shoes, your top and nail colour or your trousers and earrings. It really can be as unobvious as some of those. Incorporating 2 similar colours within your outfit can really elevate your style. It might be something you start to notice on others too when you're admiring their outfit. I should say, the colours don't have to be exact but it does work better if they're not far out. For instance wearing a mint green with a forest green might not have quite the desired effect.
Finishing touches
The piste de resistance! This is where the tuck of the top, the roll up of the sleeves, the cheeky show of socks or the upturned collar come in. These are those little touches which just show that you've thought about this. This outfit is styled, deliberate and took thought. These little flairs of style are the things that can help that feeling of elevation with your style. So have a play with what works for you, for the various outfits and what you feel comfortable. I've tried plenty of way of wearing things - and some feel more comfortable to me than others.
My 5 ways to elevate your style - which one of these are you going to try first? I'd love to hear how you get on with any of these. I really think they can make a difference to any look. But to reiterate, I know it's not possible or practical to do all of these all at once. And I don't expect you (or myself!) to achieve these tips every day. But those moments when you want to up your style game are the time to take a couple of these out. Have you any other ideas? Let me know!
Lou x
