You've had your colours "done". You saw the value in understanding how to look healthy and glowing with your favourite, gorgeous colours. You now know which seasonal colour palette you fall into - i.e. Spring, Summer, Autumn or Winter. But what now? How on earth do you start trying to dress to your palette so that you shine? Where do you start?
Well, you're starting point can depend on how you're feeling about your palette. Is it pretty much in line with your wardrobe and how you've been dressing up to this point? Maybe it was confirmation of what you already thought. Or was it a massive surprise to see a range of colours which you've never really considered before? Either way, here are few things to try next following your colour analysis.

Become Familiar with your Colour Palette
Get to know your colours. Familiarise yourself with the depth of shades which worked well with your skin tone. Consider the neutrals and those which will be great base colours for you. Think about how the colours make you feel - are there some which excite you? I don't expect you'll love them all - and that's ok. There's power in that too.
Do your own mini wardrobe edit
Examine your wardrobe with your wallet to hand. I'm sure you'll have some items which are in keeping with your palette which you can choose from. These might become your go-to now that you've honed in on your best colours. In contrast, you may have been holding onto pieces that you've always been on the fence about and you can now see (since the colour analysis) they're just not within your palette. Now is the time to part with these items. This is the nudge you needed. Let's get you on the path to a curated wardrobe which reflects your colouring and works hard for you.
Shop strategically
I love this one. Once your know your best colours shopping really can be streamlined. It's so much easier to skim the rails in the shops and quickly assess if there's anything within your palette. Admittedly there will be times when there's not very much (or nothing at all) in a shop from your colours - but that's the point. I know that can be frustrating but we're trying to buy with purpose rather than for a "quick fix". I don't want you to be wasting your hard earned money on colours which don't work for you.
Make-up, hair and accessories
Knowing your colour palette isn't just about your clothes and wardrobe. You can reflect your best or favourite colours in your accessories, make-up and even in your home decor. Aligning your make-up and accessories is another great way to add cohesiveness to your appearance. If you've followed me for a while you'll know I'm a big fan of lipstick, but this doesn't have to be a bold colour. Following your colour analysis you'll be aware if pinks, corals, reds, dark berry shades, etc. are more favourable to you - and you can work within that template as you feel comfortable.
Build on your Confidence
Experiment with combining your colours, layering different shades, and finding ways to reflect your personal taste while staying true to your palette. This can take time - there might be combos which don't feel quite right, but that's all adding to your knowledge of what feels right for you. Have a look on Pinterest if you're needing some inspiration in how wear a colour you're wanting to try - "green and pink outfits ideas"; "blue and navy street style"; "yellow and purple outfit inspiration". Developing your personal style is not an overnight thing - it can take time so be patient with yourself.
Curating a wardrobe within your palette is a brilliant way to
save time when dressing
understand what makes you feel great
shop with purpose
develop your personal style
have a wardrobe which serves you and provides you with value
I would also say, knowing your colour palette is not meant to restrict you - it's a guide. I never tell clients to stop wearing a certain colour (black always seems to be the colour which comes up in this conversation!). Your preferences and style are always going to be more important than the palette you fall into. However knowing those colours which help you to glow can lead you to a wardrobe which is cohesive and can be mixed & matched easily.
This is how a recent client found her experience of colour analysis:
[I wanted] "more of an understanding of the colours that brought out the best in me, rather than just buying willy-nilly. Since our session I've tried on every piece of clothing I own, cleared out my wardrobe/drawers. I used the swatches to help me on items I was on the fence about. Thank you so much! It was very helpful being sent the photos and swatches afterwards. I really enjoyed the process."
If you've yet to discover your best colours I'd love to help you with my Colour Analysis service. I will travel to your home and in just 90 minutes you'll have a great understanding of your best colours and how to wear them. You can read more about my Colour Analysis service here.